Digital Photography and Imaging/ Final Compilation & Reflection

Leong Jia En 0348366
Bachelor of Creative Media Design (Minor)
Digital Photography and Imaging
Final Compilation & Reflection



Project 1
Week 1- Week 6

Physical and Digital Collage

Physical Collage. JPG

Digital Collage. JPG

Me in Hearst Mansion

Me in Hearst Mansion. JPG

B & W photo Recolouring 

B & W photo Recolouring. JPG

Project 2: Photo Manipulation
Week 6- Week 9
Double Exposure. JPG

Photo Manipulation. JPG

Final Project: Self-Titled
Week 9- Week 14

Self-Titled. JPG

Animated Self-Titled. mp4


Our first exercise was to create a physical collage, which I had never done before. I enjoy the moment of flipping through stacks of magazines, selecting and cutting, and then putting elements together. We then started creating a digital collage using the images provided. This process was challenging for me as I was not very familiar with Adobe Photoshop. However, I have become more familiar with Adobe Photoshop as I learned more about photo manipulation. For the final project, we also learned how to use Adobe After Effects to animate our self-titled poster. I really appreciate Mr. Martin's feedback which improved my quality of work and further enhance my design knowledge.

It's been a fun learning journey over the past 14 weeks. I had the opportunity to learn and practice my skills using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. It wasn't easy at first, but during the practical classes with Mr. Martin, as well as watching tutorials on the internet and trying it myself, I believe my editing and animation skills improved. I found that we can actually do a lot of fun things with Photoshop when we understand the technique and are able to use it to its full potential.

At first, I thought this module would focus and revolve around photography. To my surprise, we learned a lot about graphic design in Photoshop. I have learned the importance of applying design principles when producing a design piece such as hierarchy,  balance, composition such as the Golden Ratio and Rule of Thirds.
